The Ethiopian Federal Police issued an arrest warrant for 76 military officers including army generals for alleged crimes of treason, corruption and grave human rights violations.
In a statement released on Thursday, the federal police said the officials of the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) and senior military officers have been accused of committing treachery by attacking the north command division of the national defense force and massacring its members.
Police said they have been undertaking tight follow up investigations to capture the military personnel and bring them to justice who have allegedly been involved in the treachery against sovereignty of the nation.
Police’s statement blamed the senior officials, military officers including army generals whom it referred to as ‘TPLF Junta’ for joining forces with the rebel Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) to destabilize the nation.
The statement accused the ‘TPLF-Junta’ of financing the rebel OLF and providing military training to its troops in the Tigray regional state.
TPLF officials and army generals have also been charged with instigation of several ethnic and religious based violence and unrest which resulted in the killings and wounding of innocent people and destruction properties, the statement reads.