Bolloré Transport & Logistics Côte d’Ivoire has announced the acquisition of its very first driving simulator, which will be made available to its Pan-African Port Training Centre (CFPP) in Abidjan.
”This clearly demonstrates the company’s commitment to providing innovative training and to offering new teaching methods aligned with employees’ expectations” said a statement to APA on Tuesday.
This multi-business simulator is the first of its kind to be acquired by the CFPP and will allow employees to complete their training by practising on different types of machinery: STS gantries, RTGs, forklift trucks, mobile cranes, heavy goods.
It also provides a safe learning environment with rapid control.
”For the trainers, the simulator will speed up training and reduce equipment downtime by 30%. It will also become possible to change the work situations according to the typical weather conditions (rain, wind, fog, etc.) that can affect manoeuvres on the ground” the statement said.
“We are pleased to introduce this driving simulator to the CFPP, which will enable us to provide a new training programme. This virtual reality device brings real added value and offers many advantages by preparing trainees for all the situations they may encounter in the course of their work.”, said Maryam Aidara, the Director of the Pan-African port training centre.
As the leading employer in the logistics industry in Côte d’Ivoire, Bolloré Transport & Logistics contributes to the training of those involved in logistics and port handling through a modern and digitalised educational approach that helps young people in Côte d’Ivoire to enter employment.
Its Pan-African Port Training Centre, open to all Bolloré Transport & Logistics employees, trains more than 500 people each year in the port sector and welcomes more and more women each year.
Bolloré Transport & Logistics Côte d’Ivoire, a household name in transport, logistics and port handling, currently has over 1,500 Ivorian employees, working primarily at its agencies in Abidjan, San Pedro, Bouaké, Ferkessédougou and Ouangolodougou.
The company contributes actively to the development of Côte d’Ivoire and invests in the upskilling of its employees.
It trains its workforce through the Pan-African Port Training Centre (CFPP) and is forging partnerships with higher-education institutions, including Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (INP-HB).
Bolloré Transport & Logistics also leads initiatives for the local population in partnership with organisations, assisting young people in their education and social reintegration and working to raise their awareness of environmental protection.