APA-Dakar (Senegal) – The five-year programme was initiated by the Alliance Sahélo-Golfe pour le Développement (Alisgold), a Senegalese association whose objectives include promoting the Arabic language.
In Senegal, Arabic speakers are working hard to reduce the social and digital divide. The ‘Alliance Sahelo-Golfe pour le Developpement’ (Alisgold) is behind this initiative, stating in a statement sent to APA that it will shortly be launching the “Arabic speakers at ICT and entrepreneurship school” programme.
The programme has three components: a national forum on “the involvement of Arabic speakers in bridging the social and digital divide,” an integration programme for Arabic speakers and the setting up of Arabic language laboratories.
As far as the forum is concerned, Alisgold states that “it will be a forum for discussion between the authorities, Arab partners and religious leaders on the involvement of Arabic speakers in the drive to reduce the social and digital divide.”
Workshops on the challenges and courses of action for training and integration are also planned during this meeting, which is expected to attract 2,000 participants.
The five-year “Arabic speakers at school for ICTs and entrepreneurship” programme will support the government’s technical departments in taking greater account of Arabic speakers in their training programmes, the alliance assures.
“Following the example of development support organisations, Alisgold has mobilised to support the government in its sustainable development policy. As part of its strategy, the organisation intends to help the government boost certain key sectors of the economy and combat certain economic and social inequalities,” it points out.