This decision comes after the “firm commitment and direct involvement of the highest authorities of the various member states” of the Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA).
In a statement sent to APA, the Air Traffic Controllers’ Unions of ASECNA (USYCAA) decided that “the strike notice reactivated on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 and suspended on Saturday, September 24, 2022, is lifted as of Thursday, October 20, 2022.”
The Executive Board of the USYCAA explains that “this lifting is agreed by the air traffic controllers of ASECNA in order to contribute to restore a serene social climate conducive to constructive dialogue for the satisfaction of its platform of demands.”
In addition, it asks the members of the Monitoring Committee set up, to work for the cessation of all forms of sanctions, including the rehabilitation in their rights, of all expatriate air traffic controllers currently ordered by the General Management of ASECNA, to join their countries of origin.
The union organization expresses its “deep gratitude to the members of the Committee of Ministers of ASECNA who, regardless of the difficult context that prevailed, were able to regain the confidence of air traffic controllers through the courageous decisions they have taken in order to ensure the sustainability of the agency.
It also congratulates “all air traffic controllers of all ASECNA control centers for their historic mobilization and their unfailing commitment to defend their rights and restore the prestige of their noble profession.
The Executive Board of the USYCAA says it has lifted its strike order given “the relevance of the resolutions of the extraordinary meeting of the Committee of Ministers of ASECNA held on Monday, October 17, 2022 in Dakar, Senegal.
The Union also explains that it has lifted the strike notice considering the magnitude of the impact of the strike on the economy of the States and the activities of air users. The air traffic controllers intend to ensure the stability of the economy of the States and the activities of air users.