The loan deal, according to the minister of Water and Mines, Samou Adambi, complements the efforts to complete all the funding necessary for realizing the project aimed at improving drinking water supply systems with a view to ensuring universal access to it by 2021.
Through the loan, the Kuwaiti Fund is looking to maintaining a progressive partnership with the Beninese government in meeting its objectives including universal access to drinking water by 2021, said Hisham Al-Waqiyan, the Deputy Managing Director of the Kuwaiti Fund.
Benin’s minister of Economy and Finance, Romuald Wadagni, said he was privileged to be in locked step with the Fund toward achieving this goal.
While promising that the funding will be implemented accordingly, Mr. Wadagni noted that the mobilization of resources for the government’s program of action has just taken a leap following Benin’s guideline of making 2019 a highly social year.