Benin has withdrawn from the Protocol which allows a citizen to directly refer cases to the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
“This decision is the result of what we have observed in recent years, such as dysfunctions and slippages in the High Court, which is increasingly leaving its field of competence, on the grounds of human rights protection. The Court interferes in issues relating to state sovereignty and issues that do not fall within its jurisdiction,” Alain Orounla, Minister and government Spokesman said on national television.
He noted that Benin did not withdraw from the African Court of Human Rights, but made its declaration of withdrawal from the Protocol, which allows the citizen of a State, in this case the Beninese state, to directly submit a case to Cadhp. This, he said, “in order not to jeopardize the interests of an entire nation and the duty of a government which is responsible for holding elections on time.”
A few days ago, a Cadhp decision asked Benin to suspend the holding of May 17, 2020 municipal elections on May 17, following a request from exiled opponent, Sebastien Ajavon.