Botswana’s committee on climate change is set to burst into life following a decision by the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism to recruit individuals and institutions to be part of the body.
The committee was established in 2014.
According to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism Thato Raphaka they intend to recruit suitable individuals and organisations to express interest for membership of a National Committee on Climate Change (NCCC).
“Interested candidates and or institutions with expertise in key economic sectors such as Finance, Economics, Law, Water, Health, Infrastructure, Biodiversity, Crops, and Livestock with specialties in Climate Change related majors are encouraged to apply,” said Raphaka.
He said for candidates applying as an Institution, the institution would be required to provide a CV of their representative together with the profile of the institution detailing their experience and expertise in the related areas. Raphaka said the NGO’s are strongly encouraged to apply.
Raphaka said each member of the National Committee on Climate Change will be nominated and selected on the basis of their technical expertise relevant to climate change issues.
As a multi-stakeholder forum, selection will also endeavour to ensure broad representation of stakeholders and priorities including youth, women, and vulnerable groups with relevant skills, qualifications and experience in climate change matters.
The functions of the NCCC committee shall be to provide technical guidance to the government of Botswana on implementation of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) resolutions, decisions and recommendations.
It is also meant to provide technical guidance on implementation requirements for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports and dissemination of findings.
It shall also provide guidance on the implementation of recommendations of sector-specific vulnerability assessment reports and planning adaptation thereafter.
The committee will also provide guidance on implementation of strategies for national responses in particular recommendations of vulnerability assessments, hydrometeorological hazards such as floods, veldt fires, and drought as well as technology needs assessments.
In collaboration with the Climate Change Coordination Unit, they will provide guidance on the implementation of Public Awareness Strategies and outreach programmes and incorporating climate change in the national education curriculum at all levels.
The committee will serve as Technical Advisory Group for development of National Communications for UNFCCC.
The committee will also conduct stakeholder’s dialogues on mainstreaming climate change in the national development planning frameworks at national and district levels.
In collaboration with different sectors, it shall conduct high level national dialogues to create awareness and international obligations on climate change.