The African Development Bank has signed an agreement with Comoros, Djibouti, Somalia and South Sudan for a US$35 million climate resilience project aimed at strengthening responses to climate shocks in these countries.
APA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) The Addis Ababa City Administration on Friday launched a six-month nationwide campaign to fight environmental pollution across…
Alarming news for rhino conservation efforts in Namibia.
In a high-stakes battle over wildlife conservation, Botswana and Zimbabwe have lobbied British legislators against passing a proposed law that seeks to ban the importation of hunting trophies from various animal species.
Hundreds of exhibiting brands have been attracted to the latest Italian energy transition exposition which began in Italy’s seaside resort of Rimini on Wednesday.
The World Bank has warned that the impacts of climate change could worsen poverty, social tensions and conflict in Ethiopia.
Botswana president to address UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi
APA – Kigali (Rwanda) – Southern, Northern and Western Rwanda should brace for possible flooding and natural disasters amid predictions…
APA – Kigali (Rwanda) – Major parts across the Great Horn Africa are expected to experience these wetter conditions including…
On Tuesday in Rabat, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and OCP Group signed three loan agreements totaling $188 million to…