While most of the world has been overtaken with the festive holiday period, escalating tensions fueled by Lohilai and Lohiri communities in have taken a toll on those residing in South Sudan’s Omuruo, Eastern Equatoria.

With the agreement by all signatories on a roadmap to fulfil outstanding benchmarks contained within the Revitalized Peace Agreement and the graduation of the first batch of the Necessary Unified Forces, South Sudan is finally making tangible progress as it emerges from the devastation of civil war.

The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) has condemned in very strong terms what it called erroneous allegations that one of its Twic Dinka staff ‘has been killed alongside his family inside the UNISFA compound by the Ngok armed youth after they forcefully entered the compound to execute the non-Ngok inhabitants’.

The international community urgently needs to pay more attention to the escalating violence proliferating at a local level all over South Sudan, warned United Nations-appointed human rights experts during a visit to New York which concluded on Sunday.