Ehiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Sunday hosted what is called ‘Dine for Sheger’ event which was dedicated for Beautifying Addis Ababa.
Several local business owners, CEOs, high profile government officials and local and international investers and representatives of UN agencies took part at the dinner program held at the national palace.
With the value of the tickets for the event at five million Birr per person, which correspond 174, 000 USD, will help the project of beautifying the capital Addis Ababa by treating waters of rivers crossing the city and developing riverside for recreational purpose.
According to the state broadcaster EBC, 230 guests attended the event with payment of stated amount of money, raising over $40 million.
The 1.1 billion USD project covers 56 kilometers and run along the rivers of Addis Ababa, developing green spaces starting from Entoto to Akaki river streams down to Akaki liquid waste treatment plant.
The project to beautify Addis Ababa is an initiative of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and expected to be completed within three years.