The Climate Diplomacy Weeks, launched on September 30 by the European Union and its member states, are underway in several regions of Morocco until October 17.
Organized as part of the Moroccan-EU Green Partnership initiative, these weeks of climate diplomacy are marked by activities that “aim to act in favor of the climate ahead of the COP26 scheduled for November in Glasgow,” says a statement from the EU Delegation in Morocco.
These activities include, among others, “participation in youth workshops in oases, a Youth and Climate conference, a meeting between young people and European diplomats, the closure of a twinning Morocco-EU around the National Charter for the Environment and Sustainable Development, a workshop on the development of electric mobility, the launch of a radio and web campaign to raise awareness of climate change among others,” the same source says.
Other activities on the themes of the environment and the fight against climate change are planned throughout the months of October and November and will continue beyond the COP26. “These activities also complement the many programs and projects of the European Union and its member states to accompany Morocco towards the ecological transition and whose major event was the launch in late June, the initiative of a Moroccan-EU green partnership,” it adds.
Through these initiatives, the EU and its partner Morocco intend to raise awareness of climate change that affects the whole world, including the African continent where extreme weather phenomena, such as the intensification of heat waves, prolonged drought or increased rainfall threaten the population.