Former Rwandan minister of Sports and Culture, Robert Bayigamba on Wednesday appeared before the intermediate court of Nyarugenge in Kigali city where he is facing property-related fraud, a judicial source confirmed to PANA here.
Mr. Bayigambas, directly involved in “stealing” other individual assets after changing their ownership, has been charged for violating articles 174 and 176 of the penal code, according to Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB).
He has also been assuming the strategic position as Executive Secretary of the former Privatization Secretariat under the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning where he coordinated the privatization of 20 state owned companies.
Until recently the soft spoken businessman was the Executive Chairman of Manumetal Ltd, one of the local leading producer of commercial furniture in Rwanda before being appointed as Chairman of the Rwanda Association of Manufacturers, and a consultant creating B2B strategic partnerships in Africa.