A Gambian man who flew to The Gambia from France on 17th March, 2020 has been tested positive for the virus, The Ministry of announced Tuesday.
Days after arriving in the country, the man fell sick at his home village of Numuyel in the Upper River Region of the country. He patient refused to report to hospital for check-up as advised by the Health Ministry in the wake up to the deadly pandemic.
The matter was then reported the regional authorities and a health team was sent collect samples on him on the 21th March, 2020, which turned out positive for the Covid-19, officials said.
It is feared, that he has transferred the virus to his family members including his wife and kids as well as members of the community he had interacted with.
The police has been deployed in community to ensure a complete lock down of all those living in that compound until they undergo the test to ascertain their status.
It is the third confirmed cases of the Covid-19 I. The Gambia in less than ten days.