Guinean Prime Minister Dr. Ibrahima Kassory Fofana on Friday launched in Conakry, the Industrial and SME Development Fund (FODIP), which aims to promote industrial and entrepreneurship development.
By Sadjo Diallo
“FODIP is an innovative instrument for building the capacity of support structures in the Guinean entrepreneurial ecosystem. It is also a platform that pools interventions in order to guarantee better operational efficiency,” PM Fofana explained.
According to him, the advent of FODIP is a major step in the process of supporting the development of the industrial sector and SMEs in Guinea.
“The operationalisation of FODIP is in line with the government’s priority actions to create favourable conditions for the development of the private sector,” added the head of the Guinean government.
Present at the ceremony, the representative of the African Development Bank, Léandre Bassolé, said that the launch of FODIP is important for the Guinean private sector, in a context of the revival of industrial units intended for the processing of local products.