Kenya’s overall year on year inflation in April 2019 stood at 6.58 percent as compared to 4.35 percent in March, the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) said on Tuesday.
According to KNBS, between March and April 2019, food and non-alcoholic drinks’ index increased by 6.86 percent, mainly due to drought conditions which prevailed in the better part of April 2019 causing upsurge in the costs of some foodstuffs.
For instance, sifted maize flour, Kales, potatoes, loose maize grain and flour and tomatoes recorded increases of 29.82, 25.30, 19.27, 26.14, 15.90 and 15.31, percent, respectively, in April compared to March 2019.
“The Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels’ Index, increased by 0.93 percent in April compared to March 2019 mainly due to higher cost of some house rents and electricity,” KNBS said in a statement issued in Nairobi.
The Transport Index increased by 0.86 percent, mainly on account of increase in pump prices of petrol and diesel, said KNBS.