On Eid Mubarak, the day climaxing the month of Ramadan, Islamic leaders in Liberia offered prayers for President George Manneh Weah, his Vice President and the entire government for sustainable peace and stability of the nation. .
Nearly a hundred Imams and top personalities from the Islamic faith led by Grand Mufti Sheik Abubakar Sumawuro, Tuesday honored the Presidency for the ‘unprecedented’ level of promotion of free religious space in the country since 1847, the year Liberia gained independence.
The ceremony held at the Cecil Dennis Hall at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the president’s temporary office was meant for the Muslim community to intercede for the President and his government, as well as pray for sustainable peace and stability of the nation.
Liberian Muslims dedicated the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan to special prayers for the Almighty Allah to make durable the hard-won peace in the country and help the government deliver on the needs of its people and the State.
Sheik Sumawuro said President Weah was overwhelmingly elected by Liberians because God selected him to lead and transform the country, and so “we look to you to change the country with the guidance of Allah, and no one else.”
As one Imam prayed after the other at the ceremony, and Q’uranic recitation of peace were cited from time-to-time, Muslim clergymen lauded the Weah-led government for the support the government provided them during the period of fast and prayers.
The provision of security at every mosque and a consignment of rice and cash donations were some remarkable deeds the Muslims relished of the President, especially when their international donors could not import end-of-Ramadan food due to administrative glitches, said Shiek Sumawuro. The Muslims also said the overall support accorded them by other Liberians during the period, was incredible.
In remarks, Pres. Weah said he was pleased with the Muslim community for immensely contributing to the peace that Liberia is enjoying, stressing the importance for the country to have belief in the
Almighty God and resolve its challenges through round-table discussions and dialogues.
He said violent approaches are not, and have never, been the way out of differences.
“Today, people are suffering in parts of the world because they do not have peace. It is with the peace that we have in Liberia that our slum communities are beginning to develop. It’s important that we promote peace and not conflict,” said Pres. Weah.
The President observed that it is his government’s obligation to advance religious diversity amongst his compatriots “because Liberia belongs to all of us.”
At the end of the ceremony on Tuesday, they had lunch with the President as a symbol of breaking the fast.