Morocco has shown a galloping increase in divorce cases over the last two years. A finding that the Minister of Justice explains by an awareness in the couple, of the need to manage divorces on the basis of understanding and dialogue and the relaxation of the divorce procedure in case of agreement between the two parties.
Speaking at the oral session of the House of Representatives, the Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Ouahbi recalled that cases of divorce had declined since the entry into force of the Moudawana in 2004, before starting to rise in 2021, reaching 26,957 cases (+6,585, compared to 2020).
However, he noted, the share of divorce by mutual consent in the total cases of divorce has increased significantly (76 percent against 7 percent in 2004). The Minister attributed the reasons for this situation to several factors, including the growing awareness of the couple of the importance of ending the marital relationship in an amicable manner, to resolve family disputes through dialogue to reach an agreement, flexibility and ease that characterize this type of divorce.
He also indicated that the revocable divorce is on a downward trend, 526 cases in 2021 against 7,146 cases in 2004.
The Minister recalled the changes made by the Family Code in this area and whose objective is to protect the rights of women and preserve the interest of the child.
“The Family Code includes many guarantees to advance the institution of the family with all its components to enable it to continue to fulfill its functions as the first cell of society,” the Minister noted.
He recalled the restrictive measures to reduce abuses that the husband could make use of, and thus avoid the harm that results from divorce, whether for the wife or children.