The Africa Development Club of the Attijariwafa Bank Group will be launching the AfricaDev sessions, a cycle of online debate programs intended for its members, institutions and partners of the group on the continent.
The first session will be broadcast on Thursday, July 30, 2020 (10:00 GMT) on the digital platforms and social networks of the group and its subsidiaries.
According to the initiators, the AfricaDev sessions aims to respond, in a new format of interaction, to the concerns of African companies highlighting African economic themes and making it possible to initiate reflections on topical issues for major players. economies and SMEs on the continent.
The current crisis has prompted the Attijariwafa Bank Group, wherever it is located, to strengthen its support systems for its customers and to be close to them.
Anxious to live up to its mission in this particular context, the first program addresses the theme “Covid-19: Lessons and Best Practices in Africa”.
This session welcomes for a debate, Florence Boupda, Director of West and Central Africa of IFC, Gerard Mangoua, CEO and Co-founder of the Ubipharm Group and Ismail Douiri, CEO of the Attijariwafa Bank Group, in charge of the Retail Banking Division at international and specialized financing subsidiaries.
Created in 2016, the Africa Development Club aims to bring together the business community, managers and public representatives in order to pragmatically boost investments across the continent.
A space for networking and exchange dedicated to economic operators wishing to develop in Africa, through the development of business flows or/and investments, it is also a platform providing access to information, training, services and expertise in order to promote the realization of entrepreneurial projects, major structuring projects of states, as well as South-South and North-South cooperation.
In addition to the international Africa Development Forum organized in Casablanca, the Africa Development Club now has more than 3,000 members, and has organized, with the Group’s banks, 20 multisectoral missions in 15 countries, mobilizing more than 2,500 business leaders from the continent.
Since its launch in 2010, the Africa Development International Forum has brought together more than 10,000 companies from 40 countries on the continent and partner nations, holding more than 22,000 structured business meetings and generating significant investments everywhere in Africa.