APA-Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) A regional workshop for sharing knowledge and innovations in the field of education, organised by the KIX Africa 21 Regional Centre, was held in Abidjan on 29, 30 September and 02 October 2023.
Twenty-one countries from sub-Saharan Africa made a commitment at the end of the conference to promote knowledge and innovation in education. For three days, the participants shared their experiences and made recommendations for the enhanced deployment of the KIX Africa programme.
The workshop gathered together senior executives, including secretaries-general, cabinet directors and heads of education systems from 21 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Ocean, as well as representatives of technical and financial partners.
The work carried out identified strategies for implementing the programme in certain countries, as practical examples that could serve as references for other countries. In addition, the commitment of the players and the political will were presented as strong levers for achieving the expected results.
The solemn closing ceremony was attended by the Secretary General of CONFEMEN, Professor Abdel Rahamane Baba-Moussa, who expressed his satisfaction with the work carried out throughout this workshop devoted to the assessment of the first phase of KIX Africa 21.
“Our objective in coming here was to take stock of the first phase of KIX Africa 21 and lay the foundations for phase 2. The assessment we can draw is that KIX Africa 21 is a fruitful experience that has strengthened political dialogue in the countries and enabled the member countries to take stock of their needs to transform the education system,” he explained.
Faustin Koffi, representing Cote d’Ivoire’s Minister of National Education and Literacy, Mariatou Kone, explained that his country had set up the Etats Generaux (National Conference). According to him, some of the main points of these meetings were included in the conclusions of the KIX Africa 21 meeting.
“The Etats Generaux highlighted certain major areas, such as access for all children to school and the quality of education,” the representative of the Education and Literacy Minister added.
The Knowledge and Innovation Sharing (KIX) programme is a joint initiative of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).