South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday paid tribute to the late human rights lawyer George Bizos, whose death Wednesday night marks the last main actor in the Nelson Mandela era of freedom fighters.
Paying tribute to the 92-year-old activist, Ramaphosa said Bizos – who represented several anti-apartheid activists, including Mandela at the Rivonia treason trial – had “contributed immensely to the attainment of our democracy.”
“The news about George Bizos’ passing is sad news for us South Africans. He was one of those lawyers who contributed immensely to the attainment of our democracy,” Ramaphosa said.
He added: “He had an incisive legal mind and was one of the architects of our Constitution.”
According to the president, two days ago said he spoke to Bizos’ son Alexi, who told him his father was facing “great difficulties.”
“We bow our heads in honour of the contribution that George Bizos has made to our democracy. We will forever remember his contribution,” Ramaphosa said.