Heads of Intelligence Departments and Security Services from East African Community (EAC) member countries have been in Kigali since the last two days for a consultative meeting to discuss security matters in the region and proposing appropriate solutions, an authoritative source revealed Tuesday.
To prevent terror attacks and fight security challenges in the region, meetings for Intelligence officers for the EAC region are conducted every three months, but since last year, it was halted due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Participants in the meeting include Chiefs of Intelligence in Rwanda (host), Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi and South Sudan.
Speaking at the occasion, Col. Raphael Kibiwoti Kiptoo of Kenya said that the importance of this conference is studying together and finding solutions for the security problems that would, or are affecting EAC and Africa.
“Some terror groups took advantage of COID-19 to carry out terror activities as the government are busy fighting more spread,” he said.
Speaking in the same vein, Gen. Jean Bosco Kazura, Rwanda’s Chief of Defence Staff, said that whenever there are security problems in the region, such meetings are important to discuss and find the solutions jointly.
The senior Rwandan military officer also requested participants to be free and discuss matters with openness and transparency without thinking that there is one party that aims at investigating the other, but to share ideas and jointly find solutions for the existing security challenges affecting the region.
Peace and Security has been acknowledged as critical to creation of the right environment upon which regional integration in all aspects can be fostered.