TVET comprises all fields of initial and continuing Technical and Vocational Education and Training where by it covers all kinds and levels of business in Rwanda.
The Director General of Workforce Development Authority (WDA), Pascal Gatabazi told reporters in Kigali on Monday that this latest investment has been approved by the Rwandan government to accelerate vocational training in critical skill areas.
“The government has supported us with equipment to reclaim our technical training institutions and the impact has been felt as evidenced by the large number of youth with market relevant skills,” said Eng. Gatabazi.
TVET in Rwanda is being delivered by different providers at various qualification levels whereby technical education is offered at upper secondary school level.
Since 2008, a new body known as Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centres (IPRCs) to provide university qualification.
As of 2019, only some 271 TVET schools meeting required quality standards are allowed to operate in Rwanda, according to official estimates.
In the meanwhile, the latest labour market information system survey conducted by the government and its partners has reported a significant shortage of technicians in Rwanda with an acute magnitude of 60 percent in the entire country distributed in public, private and civil society structures.