Kagarama Primary Court in Kigali city on Tuesday remanded for 30 days the Managing Director of ‘The Chronicles’, an independent daily newspaper publishing in Kigali, Dr Christopher Kayumba who is accused of alcohol abuse and for drinking and driving.
The Rwandan court made the ruling on Tuesday saying that this was in a move to ensure prosecution continue with their investigation unhindered.
Prosecution had during his arraignment requested for the suspect to be remanded because their investigations were still ongoing.
The arrest of Dr Kayumba comes after Rwanda National Police have warned motorists against the dangers of driving while under the influence of alcohol.
The Rwandan law stipulates that drunken driving is an offense punishable with a fine of Rwf 150, 000 (about $150 USD), imprisonment, confiscation of driver’s license and impounding the vehicle; this is something avoidable”