According to the EFF, some 50 percent of the land would be owned by the youth and women while at least half of the country’s mineral resources would benefit locals, pledged party leader Julius Malema in Pretoria on Saturday.
In addition, Malema said the EFF had a particular focus on land reforms and job creation for the country’s millions of the unemployed.
According to the EFF manifesto, themed “Our Land and Jobs Now”, a “massive and protected sustainable industrial development” would be rolled out for the next five years to end the misery of the nine million unemployed South Africans should the party win the elections.
While all land in the republic would be in the custodianship of the state, a land ombudsman would be established to protect the rights of people to own land and prevent abuse from state officials and private companies.
As for those paying rent on residential land, they would be history when the red berets get state power since “the EFF government will abolish rentals on all residential land”.
Most of the land would be owned by black people, according to the EFF’s “demographically representative” land ownership policy and manifesto promise, while any ownership of land by foreign nationals would be abolished.
“We cannot postpone the land question. We cannot postpone the jobs question. We are hungry now, and we must eat now,” Malema said.