climate change and structuring adaptation and mitigation actions.
The bill aims to provide the country with a legal and institutional framework that promotes climate-resilient and low-carbon development.
According to Mr. Katari, the review of the bill in a special session demonstrates the commitment of the national representation to supporting the government in its efforts to combat the effects of
climate change. He emphasised that this law constitutes an additional instrument to support the country’s development by integrating community adaptation to climate change and facilitating the
mobilisation of necessary resources.
The president of the Union for the Republic (UNIR) parliamentarymajority group, Atcholi Aklesso, welcomed the bill’s merits and called on members of parliament to vote in favor. Following its adoption, the President of the National Assembly welcomed the consensus around the bill, emphasising that it is in line with the government’s vision for environmental protection. The ecological transition, supported by this text, should promote new economic and employment opportunities in sectors such as renewable energy and waste management, while strengthening environmentally responsible practices.