Botswana’s Department of Wildlife and National Parks has issued 86 licenses for the 2019 elephant hunting season, an official said on Friday.
Department of Wildlife and National Parks acting head Cyril Taolo said the issuance of the licenses followed a raffle conducted throughout the country where locals participated.
We have issued 86 licences and we are in the process of notifying those who won,” Taolo said.
He said those allocated licenses are required to pay for these at Department of Wildlife and National Parks offices around the country before they are allowed to hunt.
He said his office would continue reviewing the quota issued for hunting, adding that usually about 400 licenses are issued for hunting.
“We are of the view that the elephant population can sustain the number of elephant that we wish to hunt and that is guiding us as we issue our quota,” Taolo said.
He added: “Of course going forward we will assess the issue of elephant hunting.”
The Ministry of Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism has since declared the 2019 hunting season, which runs until January 2020.