Customary and traditional authorities will now have a status in Burkina after the government made a decision to this effect during Wednesday’s Council of Ministers.
It examined and adopted a bill on the status of customary and traditional chieftaincies in Burkina Faso.
For the Minister of State for Territorial Administration, Emile Zerbo, the bill will make it possible to govern “one of the oldest institutions in our history” which has been involved in resolving crises. He indicated that this bill will clearly establish the role and function of traditional chieftaincies and allow for their integration into the legal system of Burkina.
“It allows for the revaluation of customary and traditional chieftaincies in order to participate in the consolidation of peace in Burkina Faso. The text also provides for the methods of devolution of traditional chieftaincies,” Minister Emile Zerbo explained.
However, customary and traditional leaders will not receive any remuneration and are required to resign if they want to engage in politics.
“This is a text that allows customary and traditional leaders to play the role that we have always wanted in Burkina Faso, that is to say, leaders who bring people together and consolidate peace,” the Minister of State said.