The Ethiopian parliament on Thursday revoked immunity of its 39 members from prosecution for alleged collaboration with the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) which is fighting against the government in Tigray region.
Accordingly, the parliament revoked immunity of president of the Tigray regional state Debretsion Gebremichael who is also leader of TPLF and 38 other senior officials of the region from prosecution.
The Ethiopian attorney general said the Tigray MPs are accused of collaborating with TPLF which launched rebellion against the government, attacking the national defense forces and committing other related offences.
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government is intensifying what he calls a campaign to enforce the rule of law and to bring TPLF leaders responsible for the attack.
The Council of Ministers the same day approved a directive for the newly established provisional administration in Tigray Regional State.
The Council of Ministers adopted the regulation in accordance with the decision of the House of Federation for the establishment of a provisional administration that is accountable to the Federal Government within the Regional State of Tigray pursuant to Article 62(9) of the FDRE Constitution and Article 14(2)(b) of the Proclamation Governing Intervention of the Federal Government in the Regions”, the Prime Minister said.