It has been confirmed that areas in Gojjam, North Shoa, North Wollo and Gondar – all of them in the Amhara region – have witnessed heavy fighting since last Saturday .
Residents in many parts of the region told APA that road closures are introduced in many areas following the fighting.
It is learned that the fighting in Gojjam was very intensive and that government forces have deployed mechanized divisions – in addition to road closure measures.
Merawi, South Mecha, Quarit, Sekela, Dega Damo, Antokia Gemza, Shewa Robit, Lalibela areas have experienced intense fighting. However, the number of casualties is unspecified at this time.
The “Central Shoa Command Post” – part of the government body that is in charge of implementing the state of emergency which mainly draws membership from the defense force – closed the main Addis Ababa –Dessie and Mekele road indefinitely as the war intensified.
Fano forces in Gojam have claimed that they are in control of key major towns.
APA learned that Fano forces and the defense force fought for hours in Merawi.
Government forces have reportedly deployed heavy weapons in the town – which was under the control of Fano forces for several hours following an intense fighting.
The Ethiopian government has not remarked about the situation in Amhara. Days after the massacre of civilians in Merawi, Abiy Ahmed’s administration held a series of meetings with residents in the region to garner support.
At least, there were two drone strikes after the massacre in Merawi – something that many consider to be a sign of frustration from losing infantry battles on the part of the government.