Nigeria’s gas output rose month-on-month, MoM, by 2.9 per cent to 2,292,951 million standard cubic feet (MSCF) in November 2024, from 2,292,471MSCF recorded in October 2024, according to the latest gas report of the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC).
But on a Year-on-Year, YoY, basis, the Nigerian gas output increased marginally by 0.02 per cent to 2,292,951 MSCF in the first 11 months (January – November) of 2024, from 2,292,471 MSCF recorded in the corresponding period of 2023.
The report added that of the 2,292,951 MSCF produced during the period, 606,658MSCF was consumed locally, indicating an increase of 1.6 per cent against 596,861MSCF consumed locally during the same period in 2023.
The report also showed that 829,156 MSCF was exported to generate foreign exchange for Nigeria, indicating an increase of 6.9 per cent against 775,547 MSCF exported in the corresponding period of 2023.