Some 3,611,123 South Africans have recovered from the Covid-19 disease, reflecting a recovery rate of 97 percent as the country reported 889 new cases of the disease on Sunday, the Ministry of Health announced on Monday.
According to the ministry, the cumulative number of Covid-19 cases reported in South Africa is 3,722,954, with 889 new cases reported over the 24 hours between end of Saturday and end of Sunday – representing a 5.3 percent positivity rate.
The ministry said most of the new cases were from Gauteng province which accounted for 42 percent of confirmed cases, followed by KwaZulu-Natal, with 25 percent and the Western Cape with 19 percent.
The Eastern Cape accounted for five percent; Free State four percent; Mpumalanga three percent; North West (two percent); while Limpopo (one percent), and the Northern Cape accounted for less than one percent of new cases, it added.
“Four deaths have been reported, bringing the total to 100,050 deaths at the time of the report,” the office said.
Meanwhile, some 33,821,204 injections were administered as of Sunday evening, the ministry reported, using the single dose Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer’s double dose vaccines.