The police unit known as the Hawks arrested the couple at a hotel in Rustenburg in North West Province, spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said.
Mulaudzi said the case against the couple was linked to alleged offences of fraud and money laundering, as well as the contravention of the country’s Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA), citing acts which were committed from 2015.
According to the Hawks, the contravention of the law was in relation to exchange control regulations related to foreign currency of US$1,147,200 which the clergyman allegedly whisked away to Malawi, using his private jet.
Mulaudzi said the controversial couple, who run several business enterprises in South Africa and abroad, were expected to appear before the Pretoria Commercial Crime Court on Monday to answer the charges.
In a statement posted on Bushiri’s Facebook page, the arrest took place at the Sparkling Waters Hotel in Rustenburg on Friday.
“They took the Prophet and our mother Prophetess Mary Bushiri in handcuffs to Pretoria. They have charged our father with fraud and money laundering,” the statement said.
Earlier on Friday, a government commission exonerated Bushiri from responsibility for the stampede at his Pretoria church three weeks ago, where three people died, saying the church had fully complied with safety regulations.