“We want to support this initiative of the World Bank whose priorities are to share experience with the view to eradicate extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity” because, “the transfer of knowledge is a source of wealth for the receiver as well as the giver,” Ingrid Ebouka Babakas, Congolese minister of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration said.
“The World Bank is providing support to developing countries in the form of policy advice, studies, analysis and technical assistance,” Korotoumou Ouattara, the resident representative of the Bank in Congo said, adding that “this is what informed the week of knowledge sharing being held for the second time.”
According to Ouattara, the event is part of the World Bank’s strategy to contribute to the fight against extreme poverty; to promote shared prosperity and sustainable development in partner countries “.
During the week, participants will discuss six analytical reports of the economic situation in the Congo.
The first edition of the World Bank’s “Knowledge and Experience Sharing Week” in Congo was in May 2017.