The Conference of African Ministers of Justice opened in the Egyptian capital Cairo on Monday.
On the agenda is the transformation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) agency into the African Union Development Agency in order to maximize the expected results.
Participants will also discuss the draft statute of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) and the draft report on legal instruments, prepared by the African Union (AU) Commission.
The results of this conference will be submitted to the AU Heads of State and Government Summit scheduled for Niger in July.
As a reminder, the 31st Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU), held in Nouakchott, formalised a historic decision for the organisation. NEPAD is transformed into an AU Development Agency, as a technical organ of the African Union with its own legal identity and statutes.
This strategic decision within the AU is part of institutional reforms to maximise the expected results.
Accordinf to the Executive Secretary of the NEPAD Agency, Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, this responds to the need to streamline and improve the effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of AU decisions, policies and programmes through all its organs and institutions.