At least two men died in road accidents in Rulindo, a district in Northern Rwanda when the driver of a mini truck lost control due to suspected brake failure early Thursday, a senior local administrative official in the region said.
Both police and local administrative officials said the deadliest accident occurred at 5.45 pm on the road from Gicumbi (North) to Rulindo (North)
According to Jeannette Mutuyimana, the executive secretary of Cyungo Sector in Rulindo district, the driver of the mini-truck that was loaded with tons of sweet potatoes lost control due to suspected brake failure.
The name of the dead men, who lived locally, was not released until relatives were informed.
Road accidents involving passenger buses and trucks are relatively frequent and deadly in Rwanda.
Every year, over 5,000 road accidents are registered claiming more than 500 lives, RNP figures show. At least 80 percent of these accidents are caused by reckless human behaviors, according to Rwanda National Police (RNP) reports.
Pedestrians top the list of casualties, followed by motorcyclists and bicyclists.