Prof Kalisa Mbanda, the Rwanda’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) Chairperson, has passed on, an official source confirmed Saturday in Kigali.
The Executive Secretary of the National Electoral Commission, Charles Munyaneza confirmed that the senior electoral commission official passed on at Rwanda Military Hospital.
“He left work and went and died at his home at around 3PM (1PM GMT). We have not confirmed the cause and details surrounding his death but that is what I am following up right now,” Munyaneza said.
Professor Mbanda (RIP) was appointed NEC chairman in 2012 replacing Prof. Chrysologue Karangwa.
Engineer in Tropical Agriculture from Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, Mbanda held a PhD in Science (Biology).
In his professional experience, he worked as a freelance Consultant 2008- : with MINALOC, RLDSF (Rwanda Local Development Support Fund) FARG (Fond d’Appui aux Rescapés du Génocide, GPO Ltd (Global Professional Organization), IMANZI Ltd, MINAGRI/RSSP, LWH (Rural Sector Support Project, Land husbandry, Water Harvesting and Hillside Irrigation), MINICOM/OPM (Oxford Policy Management), MIFOTRA/CEI (Centre for Employment Initiatives Ltd).
He also worked with FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation), UNECA (UN Economic Commission for Africa), SNV (Nederland Cooperation Organisation), IFAD (International Fund for Agriculture Development),
NFPO (National Forum of Political Organisations), RPNPD (Rwandan Parliamentary Network for Population and Development), CDF (Common Development Fund), MINALOC/UNEF-FBS (United Nations Equipment Fund-Fonds Belge de Survie).
In civil service he worked as Rector of ISAE (Higher Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry), 2003-2007; Chairman of Kigali City Council, 2006, National Expert for Strategic Planning, in charge of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Sector 2000-2003.
Mbanda served at the University of Rwanda as Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, 1995-1998; and as an Expert for Eco-development and Community-Base Projects, in charge of Planning and Monitoring under the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) from 1990-1995, and as a Consultant for Regional Rehabilitation and Development Plan 1998-99.